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Spine Care

Mr Neil Orpen MBChB FRCS (Ed) TR & Orth

Consultant Spinal Surgeon

Personal Profile and Centre for Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery

Mr Orpen had a long sporting involvement while at school and University with national and international success. With a busy family and professional career, sport continues to play a large role in relaxation. He remains active and competitive in sport and has competed in marathons, long distance triathlon events, cycling competition and swimming events. He has a great passion for the visual arts.

Mr Orpen's clinical practice and research interests involve a broad range of spinal surgical topics but particularly disc replacement surgery, vertebral body augmentation (kyphoplasty/ vertebroplasty) and minimally invasive spinal surgical techniques.

Currently he is concentrating on teaching the technique of minimally invasive fusion surgery with inter body fusion both in the UK and Europe but this interest in keyhole spinal surgery led to him opening the Centre for Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery. This centre is aimed at concentrating expertise and technology in one unit at the Ridgeway Hospital and with the backing of a major Private Hospital Group, increasing the options and ability to offer the highest standards and outcomes for these surgical techniques. Although teaching of consultant level surgeons may occur at the Ridgeway Hospital with patients being informed if this is occurring , all surgical cases will be undertaken by Mr Orpen himself.

Mr Orpen serves as a clinical spinal lead for the Bone and Joint Journal specialty channel and regularly reviews for this Journal: boneandjoint.org.uk

Professional Profile

Mr Orpen is a fellowship trained spinal surgeon. His primary medical training was in South Africa. After this he emigrated to the UK to continue training on the Oxford post graduate surgical training program, initially in surgery and then in the field of Orthopaedics.

It was during this time that he developed a special interest in spinal surgery and so focused on further training as a spinal surgeon. This included specialist training in Oxford, Bristol and Reading after becoming a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.

He remains actively involved in research and has published and presented extensively both in the UK and internationally on the topic of orthopaedics and spinal surgery and in particualr minimally invasive surgery. This includes contributions to textbooks and scientific papers. He remains actively involved in training junior doctors and preparing them for examinations.

Mr Orpen is a clinical lead in spinal surgery for the Bone and Joint Journal and contributes a regular article on important aspects of spinal surgery. He has also taken a particular interest in the training of other spinal consultants in the technique of minimally invasive spinal fusion throughout Europe. Mr Orpen leads the spinal surgery service at the Centre for Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery and The Ridgeway Hospital

Curriculum Vitae: MBChB FRCS (Ed) TR & Orth

Education and Qualifications

Schooling: Diocesan College, R.S.A. 1986-90

University: Stellenbosch University, R.S.A.1991-96

Qualifications: MBChB, December 1996

FRCS (Ed) Tr&Orth November 2007

Membership of Learned Societies

Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
British Orthopaedic Association
British Association of Spinal Surgeons
British Scoliosis Society

Published Articles

Orpen NM, Birch NC. Delayed presentation of septic arthritis of a lumbar facet joint after therapeutic facet joint injection. J Spin Disord & Tech 2003; 16(3): 285-287 PMID: 12792344

Orpen NM, Fairley N, Coghill S, Walker G, Birch NC. Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head after Surgery for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. Spine 2003; 28(18): E364-E367 PMID: 14501937

Orpen N.M, Lakhoo K. Intralobar pulmonary sequestration with CCAM and Rhabdomyosarcoma. Ped Surg Intern. 2003; 19(8): 610 – 611 PMID: 14551713 DOI: 10.1007/s00383-003-1040-3 ISSN: 0179-0358

Orpen NM, Mathievathaniy M., Hitchcock R. Left sided gastroschisis and pseudo-exstrophy: a rare combination of anomalies. Ped Surg Intern 2004; 20(7): 551 - 552 PMID: 15179520 DOI: 10.1007/s00383-004-1217-4 ISSN: 0179-0358

Pace A, Orpen N, Doll H, Crawfurd EJ The natural history of severe osteoarthritis of the knee in patients awaiting total knee arthroplasty. Euro J Ortho Surg & Tr. 2005; 15, 4 309-312 1633-8065 (Print) 1432-1068 (Online)

Orpen NM, Arnoldt J. Contrast extravasation causing compartment syndrome in the leg. Injury Extra Nov 2005; 36(11) 492-5

Orpen NM, Little C, Graham C, Crawfurd EJ. Tranexamic acid reduces blood loss in knee arthroplasty: a randomised controlled trial of 29 patients. Knee. 2006 Mar;13(2): 106-10. PMID: 16487712

Pace A, Orpen N, Doll H, Crawfurd EJ. Outcome scoring system evaluation of knee osteoarthritis in patients awaiting TKA. J Knee Surg 2006 19(2) :85-8. PMID: 16642882

Tuong A, Orpen NM. Method of removal of an accidentally sutured drain. Tips and Techniques. Ann Royal Coll Surg. 2007; 89(1), 79  DOI: 10.1308/003588407X160783

Orpen NM, Pearce OJ, Deakin M. Keys R. Internal fixation of an trochanteric hip fractures after surface replacement. Injury Extra Online publication: 22/11/ 2008 DOI: 10.1016/j.injury.2008.10.026

Orpen NM, Corner, JA, Shetty R, Marshal RW. Microdecompression for lumbar spinal stenosis: the early outcome using a modified surgical technique. JBJS(Br) 2010 Apr 92(4) :550-4 doi: 10.1302/0301-620X.92B4.22050.

Published Abstracts

Owen JE, Orpen NM, Ayers K, Birch NC. Very early McKenzie protocol interventions for back pain in hospital workers. J Bone Joint Surg (Br) 2000 suppl III 212

Birch NC, Orpen NM. Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head after Surgery for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. J Bone Joint Surg (Br) 2003 suppl; 85: 288 ISSN 0301-620X

Orpen NM, Little C, Graham C, Crawfurd EJ. Tranexamic acid reduces blood loss in knee arthroplasty: a randomised controlled trial of 29 patients. J Bone Joint Surg(Br) 2006 suppl 88: 106 ISSN 0301-620X

Orpen NM, Shetty R, Marshall R. Lumbar Microdecompression: intermediate term outcome. J Bone Joint Surg ( Br) 2009 suppl III 91: 488

Published Letters to the editor

Orpen N response to: Comparison of topical fibrin spray and tranexamic acid on blood loss after total knee replacement J Bone Joint Surg Br 2007; 89-B: 306-309 E-published 18 April 2007

Orpen N response to: Compartment syndrome following pelvic surgery in the lithotomy position Ann R Col Surg Engl 2002; 84: 170-171 response posted on-line August 2004 PMID: 16761353

Orpen N, Pearce O response to: "Proximal Femoral Fracture after Hip Resurfacing Managed with Blade-Plate Fixation. A Case Report. J Bone Joint Surg [Am]. 2008;90:1345-1347


Consulting Rooms

The Ridgeway Hospital
Moormead Rd

Wroughton, Swindon



NHS & Private Secretary (Ridgeway)

Teresa Jackson

Tel: 01793 816006

Email Teresa

Berkshire Independent Hospital

Swallows Croft

Wensley Road



Private Secretary

Teresa Jackson

Tel: 01793 816006

Email Teresa

Consulting Rooms

The Ridgeway Hospital
Moormead Rd, Wroughton

Swindon, Wiltshire SN4 9DD

NHS & Private Secretary (Ridgeway)

Teresa Jackson

Tel: 01793 816006 or Email Teresa

Berkshire Independent Hospital

Swallows Croft, Wensley Road

Reading RG1 6UZ

Private Secretary (Berkshire)

Teresa Jackson

Tel: 01793 816006 or Email Teresa